Are electric hot water bottles safe?

Electric hot water bottles have all the functions of traditional hot water bottles, and are even more comfortable and convenient than traditional hot water bottles. Why are so many people unwilling to use electric hot water bottles? Because many people think that electric hot water bottles cannot separate water and electricity well, and there is a risk of electric shock. In fact, when you understand the structure and working principle of our electric hot water bottle, you will find that this worry is unnecessary.

The principle of an electric hot water bottle is to use a heating element to generate heat, and then transfer the heat to the filling to increase the temperature of the filling, thereby producing a thermal effect. Our electric hot water bottle uses silica gel to evenly wrap the heating element to ensure that there will be no leakage of electricity. When the temperature of the heating element rises, the heat is transferred to the water in the water bag through conduction. When the temperature of the water reaches the set temperature, the hot water bag will automatically disconnect the power supply, so there is no risk of electric shock during the entire process.

Electric hot water bottles do have some safety issues during use, mainly the risk of overheating and the risk of burns. If the electric hot water bottle is not placed flatly during charging, causing the hot water bottle to tilt while charging, it may cause part of the hot water bottle to dry out. If not discovered in time, the hot water bottle may be burned or even cause a fire hazard. There are also some electric hot water bottles with poor sealing performance. When the electric hot water bottle receives a certain pressure, it will leak. If the water inside leaks while the water inside is still very hot, it can easily cause burns. In addition to the two points mentioned above, we do not recommend the use of this product by children under three years old, as they are not yet able to fully respond to overheating.

In fact, these safety problems in the use of electric hot water bottles can be avoided. If you do not have the habit of waiting when charging the electric hot water bottle, or you are very worried about dry burning. Just choose a model that automatically cuts off power when tilted at an angle. If you are worried that the electric hot water bottle you bought will leak, you need to choose a reliable electric hot water bottle supplier. Every electric hot water bottle of cvvtch will be pressure tested during production, and it has even been run over by a car. It's still intact and not afraid of falling from high places.

Whether the electric hot water bottle is safe depends on whether you operate it correctly, but also depends on whether you buy an electric hot water bottle that meets safety regulations. Follow us to learn more about electric hot water bottles and help you buy high-quality electric hot water bottles.



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